ETE-DS113 Shekou & Guangzhou 2-Day

Daily Departure (min. 2 persons)
Pick-up time between: 6:40 - 7:30am
Visa, one way coach transfer and one way express train are included.

Day 1 - By coach to the China border via highway of New Territories; Shenzhen City orientation (itineraries on morning session will be same as those for Shenzhen Excursion.) Visit Splendid China and China Folk Culture Villages preceded by lunch at local restaurant. After dinner, proceed to see the Great Village-night procession. Hotel Accommodation at first class hotel.

Day 2 - After breakfast, tour begins from Shenzhen. Itineraries are similar to Tour DS112. Please refer to it for details.

ETE-DS113 Shekou & Guangzhou 2-Day
  Adult Child (under 9) Child (under 3) Infant (under 1) Single Supt.
Weekdays HK$2010 HK$1540 HK$870 HK$380 HK$300
Sat./Hol.Eve HK$2110 HK$1610 HK$900 HK$380 HK$350
1. No refund for confirmed reservations or no shows.
2. Minimum 2 persons for package tour.